The World of George
HIE grade 3 baby
My life, from Daddy's perspective

About Me
My name is Mark and I am the proud Father of George.
On 04 November 2023 our lives were changed forever. My wife Natalie gave birth to our first child George. Things didn't go quite as expected and George arrived into the world in a "poor condition" having suffered from a HIE grade 3.
(What is a HIE? click 'learn more' below to view a short video)
The world of George is a place where I will look to share the highs and lows of parenting a baby that has suffered a brain injury at birth, all from my perspective as George's loving Father.
It will be a platform to raise awareness, educate and inform on life with HIE.

My Amazing Wife, Natalie.
The strongest woman I know.
The best Mummy George could
ever wish for.
She is incredible!