What a sleep! Natalie and I both agreed that last night was the first time either of us have slept through the night since George's arrival. Neither of us woke until 5am. It's only taken almost 6 months.
Feeling refreshed, we walked the dogs and went for a wonder around Percy Throwers garden centre.
Whilst driving to the garden center I took a phone consultation from GP. He's a great bloke and has been a big part of my life for many years due to my ongoing condition. Although Natalie and I are doing very well given the circumstances, we are both struggling physically and emotionally. Unfortunately it's not something that will change overnight and we need to ensure we maximise respite breaks to ensure we don't burn out fully. We have been very close on several occasions.
A few quid later we find ourselves loading the car and heading home, eager to pot our new plants. Neither of us are particularly green fingered but it's nice to have a bit of colour in the garden..... well some natural colour. You could probably see George's lights from space. Ironic really as the poor little guy doesn't even get to see them. It's so sad.
In the mean time I am backwards and forwards tinkering with the water in George's pool to ensure the ph level is perfect for his return home.
Natalie is busy with the domestics, meal planning and home shopping. She's such an amazing wife and an even better mummy.
We have made the difficult decision to not visit the hospice today. We miss George like crazy but we need the rest and although it's only 20 minutes down the road it's a tiring visit. The staff are lovely and feel like extended family so we know he will be fine.
Natalie called up the hospice this morning to see how our little man's night was, well George was George. Unsettled through the night and in pain.
As I've said before the light at the end of the tunnel seems so dim and so far away at the minute but we will get there eventually.
We are currently sat in the garden enjoying a brew and the relatively nice weather but will be exchanging brews for beer and darts this evening. Natalie is confident of a win and having my eyes set on a new set ofdarts, maybe a loss tonight would be the perfect excuse. They are currently 20% off on amazon so maybe the darting stars are aligning for me. Fingers crossed.
