Let's go back to the beginning, well maybe not to the very beginning. Natalie and I were later than most to enter the world of parenthood. We were keen to enjoy our younger years reasonably care free and definitely child free.
We enjoyed holidays in various locations around the world, went on motorbike adventures through europe following the Moto GP and had several trips to the Isle of Man TT. We followed England rugby and Sale Sharks rufc around europe, usually drinking far more than what we should, but always having fun and one of us would manage to stay sober enough to ensure our safe return home.
We were never against children, we just wanted to make sure that if we were to welcome a child into the world, that we would be settled in good jobs, with financial security and a suitable home to raise a young family.
Another consideration that we had to take into account was my health, I had been diagnosed with Charcot Marie Tooth disease (CMT). A genetic, progressive neurological condition. My condition goes relatively unnoticed by the world but it presents itself usually by me falling over from rolling my ankles due to weakness caused by the CMT. It's not a big deal, I would tell Natalie, and for a bloke it probably isn't, but we talked about the prospect of having a little girl. The guilt that we would feel if she was to contract CMT, How heartbreaking would it be if she couldn't wear heels to prom, or on her wedding day.
Settled in our jobs and having enjoyed our holidays and experienced plenty we discussed the prospect of children. There was no pressure other than Natalies biological clock and the magic number of 40 years of age. For whatever reason we both had it in mind that if it hadn't happened by 40, we wouldn't bother.
Well..... Obviously it happened. I remember the day we found out Natalie was pregnant like it was yesterday. She had returned from a business trip in Paris feeling unwell. Her colleague was also feeling unwell. Its the dreaded covid doing the rounds again she said. With no requirement to test and us being to tight to spend the few quid on a covid test we just carried on, Natalie worked from home and we were sensible.
During a works teams meeting, Natalie explained her symptoms to some of her colleges, "you're not pregnant?" They asked. Following the meeting, Natalie relayed the conversation to me. "No, you can't be........., can you?"
Off Natalie trotted to Morrisons for a clear blue test. I sat at home eagerly waiting for her to return and do her business on the little white stick. "It's negative" she said".
That was that then, that little moment of hope of becoming a Daddy was gone.
Natalies symptoms progressed over a few days and she started feeling sick. Having purchased a twin pack of tests Natalie tested again, this time a little blue line appeared in the window. I was totally oblivious at work. When I checked my phone at break as you do, I had a Whatsapp picture message from Natalie with the caption, "Looks like I'm pregnant then!" My heart skipped a beat. I was overwhelmed with emotion, but what was Natalie thinking? I wasn't picking up an excited vibe from the message,
I called her on the way home, she was excited but anxious that it could be a false-positve. "Pick up a clear blue on the way home" she said. "I haven't got my wallet" I explained. "Pay with you bloody phone" she said. Panic set in, I'd never paid using my phone before, I didn't even know how to open the card to do it.
I went to Morrisons on the way home and seeked out the specific test that Natalie had asked me to buy. It's £11 odd is all I could hear ringing in my ears. Always organised, Natalie had been online checking the price. I found what I believed to be the correct tests and nervously approached the self service till. How do I open the bloody card I was thinking as I fumbled about with my phone whilst waiting in line. The till becomes free and I scan the barcode £14 something rings up on the till. Have I got the wrong test I think? I asked the assistant for help and questioned the price. Getting an answer from her was as difficult as getting through a GP practise receptionist triage system, eventually she decided that online prices are different? Madness! I didn't have time to question further, I could be moments away from finding out that I'm going to be a Daddy!
I returned home and excitedly passed Natalie the test. A few moments later......... "I'm pregnant" Natalie shouts. Wow, we are going to have a baby!!
That was it, laptop was out and we spent the evening dreaming of all of the baby gear that we were going to buy, discussing how we were going to decorate the nursery wondering if it would be a boy or a girl.
As reality hit, we questioned "what if it is a false positive?' Natalie explained that she would call the GP in the morning and they will test. She called and they explained that they dont test. "What do you mean they don't test?" Well the clear blue says your pregnant. Well turns out it did and low and behold, it was right.
We are having a baby! We are going to be Mummy and Daddy!