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Take me home now!! PLEASE!!

Writer: markmcleod84markmcleod84

After finally witnessing George's siezures first hand on Saturday, the consultant said we needed to put George onto a drug called Phenobarbital.

This happened immediately and a loading dose was administered via IV at 1500. George would then have 2 doses a day, one at 0300 and one at 1500.

We weren't at the hospital at 1500 yesterday (Saturday)

Fortunately my brother was. He called to explain that George was really distressed. We asked if he had been given his drugs. No, I dont think so, was his response.

They didn't realise he was due a 1500 dose and it would have been missed had Natalie not called to find out what on earth was going on.

This morning, we were told by the nurse who looked after George through the night that the original nurse on shift caring for George had gone home sick. It was explained that George's Clobesan had been signed for prior to the nurse leaving at 11pm but they were unsure if it had been administered.

We have zero confidence that George is being cared for properly.

We are eagerly awaiting an eeg scan and we feel that other than prescribing his new medication the hospital can't offer us any other care for George.

So many things are being missed. We are so uncomfortable leaving George unsupervised on the ward but we can't be here 24/7 so we are desperate to get him home.

Todays consultant has agreed and unless there is a severe medical reason given by another specialist as to why he needs to be here, we will be taking him home ASAP.

It's definitely not the experience we were hoping for!


Following our complaint, we are not to worry.

It was agency staff that went home sick leaving them unsure as to if drugs had been administered.

They can no longer work at this hospital and their pin will be affected. Problem resolved??

We have been advised that George should stay in until his eeg is completed tomorrow just incase it shows up anything that requires treatment.

1 comentario

Gillian Hamilton
Gillian Hamilton
24 abr 2024

Gorgeous George you are so strong and you are going to show the world how amazing you are and how much you are simply adored and touch the hearts of everyone who meets you

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