Having muddled my way through creating a GoFundMe, a Facebook profile, Instagram account and now this website using Wix, I feel I should outline my plans going forward.
The kindness and generosity shown by so many on George's GoFundMe page has created a desire in me to share my experiences with you all. I want you to understand the impact that your donation is making to us as a family. I want you to be able to see pictures of George enjoying much needed hydrotherapy in the comfort of his own home, thanks to your generosity.
The update section of the GoFundMe provided me a platform to show thanks and provide a bit of an insight into how we are coping, but having created this site, I feel I have a more suitable platform to share our experiences with you and now a wider audience.
On 4th November 2023, Natalie and I had our lives turned upside down. I would not wish our experience on anyone and hopefully this blog can be used to help educate and possibly help anyone else unfortunate enough to experience a HIE event.
The blog will be all from my perspective as a father but will have 'special guest appearances' from mummy. (Natalie)
I look forward to sharing our experiences, good, bad and ugly, but hopefully more good than ugly.

Bless you all and are amazing Xxx